- 401(k) 1
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 2
- CDC 1
- COVID-19 32
- Compensation 4
- DHS 1
- DOL 2
- EEO-1 3
- Employee Benefits 3
- Employee Relations 4
- FLSA 1
- FMLA 2
- FSA 1
- HR 1
- I-9 1
- Important Dates 3
- Legal Update 11
- NLRB 1
- OSHA 7
- PPP 4
- Unemployment Administration 4
- Vaccinations 6
- Workplace Absence 2
From Paychecks to Purpose: Exploring Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Organizations often confront both logical and emotional challenges when introducing new initiatives. Real success depends on more than simply implementing change; it requires building genuine buy-in. Leaders who establish this sense of commitment often tap into the power of charismatic leadership, which arises when followers connect with a leader’s personality and vision. However, it is important to remember that while transformational leaders are typically charismatic, not every charismatic leader is truly transformational (Hughes et al., 2022).
Leadership: Theory X vs. Theory Y Attitudes
In leadership, it is important to have an internal awareness of how you naturally tend to perceive others. To that end, it is imperative to understand the concepts of both Theory X and Theory Y attitudes.